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30 January 2011

Nama Malaysia dah wujud pada 1937??

Kali ni aku nak tulis satu entry yang agak kontroversi dan serius..harap sesiapa boleh memberi pendapat pasal isu ni.
Sedang asyik aku membuat carian google aku terjumpe pasal isu ni..Sebuah buku tulisan seorang proffesor dari Harvard University pada tahun 1937 bertajuk

Malaysia : A Study in Direct and Indirect Rule

Aku takde pun baca buku ni..mane nak cari..lagipun bahasa omputih aku bukan nyer perfect pun..Tapi serius aku pelik..yela nama Malaysia disebut pada tahun 1937 sedangkan kalu ikut sejarah yang aku belajar mase kat kerusi sekolah-Malaysia dibentuk pada tahun 1963.Dengan gabungan Singapura + Sabah + Sarawak..sebelum Singapura keluar pada tahun 1965..Maaf kalu salah fakta..

Penulis buku ni bernama Rupert Emerson..tak jumpe lak muka dia bile aku cari..dia ni pun bukan calang-calang orang tau.
Rupert Emerson (August 20, 1899, in Rye, NY - February 9, 1979, in Cambridge, MA) was a professor of political science and international relations. He served on the faculty of Harvard University for forty-three years and served in various U.S government positions.

After serving in the U.S. Navy from 1917-18, he received a B.A. from Harvard University in 1922, then a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics in 1927. He was a member of the American Political Science Association, the Association for Asian Studies (president, 1952-53), the African Studies Association [1] (president, 1965-66), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Emerson was on the faculty of Harvard University from 1927 until his retirement in 1970. A specialist on nationalism in Asia and Africa, he often guest lectured at universities in East Africa. He was an instructor at Harvard from 1927-31; assistant professor, 1931-38; associate professor of political science, 1938-46; professor of international relations, 1946-70; emeritus professor of political science, 1970-79. He was a lecturer at Yale University, 1937-38; a visiting professor of political science at University of California, Berkeley, 1953-54, and 1973, at University of California, Los Angeles, 1965-71, and at the American University in Cairo, 1972.

He served in various U.S. government posts in Washington, DC, 1941-46. He served as a constitutional advisor to the Korean government in 1962. He also served as a trustee of the Institute of Pacific Relations.
ambil dari sini 

Aku bukan menidakkan peranan tokoh kemerdekaan tanah air kita tapi sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang mempunyai hak asasi yang dijamin dalam Perlembagaan,kita berhak untuk tahu kan?...Harap nanti ada orang memberi penjelasan berkaitan isu ni. 

3 komen:

Hizami Li said...

entah betol entah tidak.

Raji and Yeen said...

wahhh seriously ak tataw o.O

Si-D said...

ak pn cr kt kwn ak ad yg dh lame tau..